Sergey2020-05-13 19:08:00
Sergey, 2020-05-13 19:08:00

Is it possible to organize multiple repositories scattered across different cross folders?

There is a site on Bitrix and on the same site different developers did their development both for the site and not for the site at all, and just php scripts, and even just folders for storing something there. In general, the project is a mess.

Now several single people are developing functionality between 1c, the site and individual applications. This includes my task.

Let's say the site structure is like this:

.. папка1
.. папка2
.. папка3
..... подпапка3-1
..... подпапка3-2
..... подпапка3-3
.. папка4
..... подпапка4-1
.. папка5

I have "folder2" and "subfolder3-1" for one development and "subfolder3-3" for another development for my development.

For "subfolder3-3" the github repository is set up and everything is fine, I work in it.

But I don't know what to do with the development, which is located in "folder2" and "subfolder3-1". It would be possible to push the entire site from the root and use gitignore to weed out the unnecessary, for example. But other subfolders may have their own repositories (unnecessary to me, but needed by others).

Tell me, is it possible to somehow configure the repository so that only the necessary folders from the structure are captured and only then can they be uploaded to the working server? Or how can you organize it all?

The option that there is one repository for the entire site and someone merges the branches and puts them on the site is not suitable. There is no such thing here, everyone works stupidly in their folders directly editing. We are a couple of people who want to start their development under version control.

I decided to add to the description of the question, based on the comment below:
There are no and should not be any initializations of repositories in the main folder of the site, what is above doument_root also does not concern me. I need to something like initialize the repository in the "/folder2" folder, and specify that "/folder3/subfolder3-1" path also refers to this repository.

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2 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2020-05-14

git can work with symlinks
after which you can go to /site/link-to-folder and do git pull, git push there.

Владимир Коротенко, 2020-05-13

https://git-scm.com/book/ru/v2/Инструменты-Git-Под... По идее это то что вам нужно.

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