Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
Is it possible to make this bot, if so, how?
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Screenshot 1
There is a channel, let's say "question", in this channel there is an embed message. And there are 2 categories: closed tickets and open ones. After sending your question in the open tickets category, a new channel is created with the name of the current ticket, for example, ticket-10, and a message appears in the "question" channel, which can be seen in screenshot 2.
A message is sent in the ticket-10 channel, which can be seen in screenshot 3 When a moderator writes the hold command, a message is sent, which can be seen in screenshot 4.
Next comes the solution of the issue.
And the last!
When the close command is sent, the message in screenshot 5 is sent, the user is prohibited from posting in this channel, and the channel itself is sent to the "closed tickets" category.
After 12 hours, the ticket is saved to a text document, sent to the user in private messages, and the channel is deleted.
The channel will have people with the role of moderator and above, and the ticket creator himself.
in the channel
Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
Maybe. This can be done by writing a script in Python.
A bit of work with the discord api and database, but in general it's possible
here is a simple cog for questions
async def suggest( self, ctx , * , agr ):
await = 1)
suggest_chanell = канала)
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{} Предложил :", description= f" {agr} \n\n", color =
message = await suggest_chanell.send(embed=embed)
await message.add_reaction('✅')
await message.add_reaction('❎'
async def report(self, ctx,member: discord.Member = None,*,arg = None):
channel = #Айди канала жалоб)
if member is None:
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(description = '**:grey_exclamation: Обязательно укажите: пользователя!**'))
elif arg is None:
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(description = '**:grey_exclamation: Обязательно укажите: причину!**'))
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(description =f'**:shield: На пользователя {member.mention} была отправлена жалоба.\n:bookmark_tabs: По причине: {arg}**', color=0x0c0c0c))
await chanel.send("@everyone")
await channel.send(embed = discord.Embed(description =f'**:shield: На пользователя {member.mention} была отправлена жалоба.\n:bookmark_tabs: По причине: {arg}\n:bust_in_silhouette: Автор жалобы: {}**', color=0x0c0c0c))
Only robot hamsters are written in js. But it will not be difficult to write this code in python.
@client.command() #
async def report(stx):
thhchannel =
ttttt = client.get_channel(703596631261577262) # канал, где данная команда будет работать.
if thhchannel == ttttt: #Если сообщение написано в данном канале, выполняется код.
await = 1)
author =
guild = stx.message.guild
creport = discord.utils.get(stx.guild.categories, name = 'report') #название категории, где будет создаваться тема.
await guild.create_text_channel(f'ticket {}', overwrites = None, category = creport, reason = 'Создание нового тикета.')
server = client.get_guild(703596629814673428) # ID сервера.
for channel in server.channels:
if == f'ticket {}':
await channel.set_permissions(author, read_messages = True, send_messages = True) #установка прав создателю репорта.
spekmoder = discord.utils.get(stx.guild.roles, id = 738136827956953279) # Человек из модерации.
await channel.set_permissions(spekmoder, read_messages = True, send_messages = True)
alluser = discord.utils.get(stx.guild.roles, id = 703596629814673428) # everyone.
await channel.set_permissions(alluser, read_messages = False, send_messages = False)
else: # Если команда !report не в том канале, ничего не происходит.
channel =
await stx.send('1')
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