Alexey So2016-06-03 10:58:41
Alexey So, 2016-06-03 10:58:41

Is it possible to make an application without icons and application installation marks?

Is it possible to make an application that will work in the background without icons, without symbols in installed applications?
Is it possible to self-delete the application with certain rights. When you install the rights will be issued. This is not a virus, it is not sold through Play.

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3 answer(s)
Ivan, 2016-06-03

This is possible without root access (hide the icon and work only in settings => running applications)
For this you need Device Admin - https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/d...
Deleting with a dialog call deletions can be implemented without root access. With root access, you can do pm uninstall without a dialog for the user

niksocium, 2016-06-03

did not put an icon, a green frog appeared by default during installation

Alexander, 2016-06-03

You can, if you have root rights, install a native application as a service (they are not shown in the list).

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