Alexander-K2018-04-05 01:25:50
Alexander-K, 2018-04-05 01:25:50

Is it possible to learn React/Redux without native JS knowledge?

I started right away with jQuery, I did not study native JS.
Is it possible to learn and use React/Redux without native JS knowledge?
Also, what courses/books would you recommend for learning React/Redux? (preferably in Russian)

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5 answer(s)
Oleg Gamega, 2018-04-05

no at all, with basic yes, but js is still needed

Vitaly, 2018-04-05

Spend two days and study yes, don't be ridiculous.

awesomer, 2018-04-05

You can, but you don't have to.

Moe Green, 2018-04-05

React uses ES6/ES7, functional programming - how are you going to write it without knowing these "things"? Of the Big Three (Angular-Vue-React), the last one is the most "low-level"; nowhere is pure JavaScript used as much as in React.

Alexander Nameless08, 2018-04-05

How do such questions arise? Learn a native language, of course. And deal with react with peace of mind))
For example, in the process of using jquery, knowledge of the native language helped me more than once.

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