Evgeny Petrov2018-02-28 21:13:13
Evgeny Petrov, 2018-02-28 21:13:13

Is it possible to indent half a column?

Is it possible to indent half the bootstrap column?
The bottom line is that there are three blocks wide with three columns.
The second and third blocks have a left indent of one column.
In total, 11 columns are occupied. Due to one unoccupied column, the blocks visually move to the side.
How can you get out of this situation?

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin Teploukhov, 2018-02-28

in principle that they should occupy 3 columns? Why not just make 4 and inside them there are already indented blocks?

Antonio Solo, 2018-02-28

see BS4.

The width of the columns is set as a percentage, so they will always be floating and their size will depend on the width of the parent element.

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