patsanchique2020-09-09 05:46:43
patsanchique, 2020-09-09 05:46:43

Is it possible to implement a copy to clipboard button in a telegram bot?

If yes, how can this be implemented?

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2 answer(s)
Lesha, 2020-09-09

Impossible because you don't have access to the user's clipboard. I would prefer to use markdown or html in a message if I need to copy a specific piece of text (such as a confirmation code or ticket number).

robprane, 2020-09-09

You can use tags <code>inline fixed-width code</code>on text messages and file signatures, in fact, wherever parse_mode is supported. Most Telegram applications process such pieces of text in such a way that when you click on them, the text is copied to the clipboard.

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