Anton Misyagin2016-06-08 23:44:16
Anton Misyagin, 2016-06-08 23:44:16

Is it possible to display a label for retina displays on Yandex maps?

For Placemark, only the following options were found:

            iconLayout: 'default#image',
            iconImageHref: cur_marker,
            iconImageSize: [30, 50],
            iconImageOffset: [-15, -50]

The label is blurry on the mobile screen. Everywhere on the site I use retina icons, but here it doesn’t work yet.

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2 answer(s)
Сергей Горячев, 2016-06-08


// Своё изображение иконки метки.
iconImageHref: 'images/myIcon.gif',
// Размеры метки.
iconImageSize: [30, 42],

Соответственно, картинка должна быть x2.

forgotten, 2016-06-08

Используйте SVG.

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