floppa3222022-02-04 17:54:22
C++ / C#
floppa322, 2022-02-04 17:54:22

Is it possible to declare a class member variable using metaprogramming?

Code example:

template <typename T, bool someCondition>
class Example

//    #ifdef SOME_CONDITION
//    int x;  
//    #endif

    // ↓ ↓ ↓  Ниже представлен псевдокод-эквивалент закомментированому коду выше: ↓ ↓ ↓ 
    if constexpr (someCondition)
        int x;  
  /* Some code... */


Is there an equivalent to a piece of code that is commented out (using a macro) but with the help of metaprogramming?

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1 answer(s)
cunion, 2022-02-04

template <bool X>
struct test

template <>
struct test<true>
  int a;

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