theevolutions2018-09-23 12:10:45
IT education
theevolutions, 2018-09-23 12:10:45

Is it possible to become a good programmer and learn how to write quality code by taking PHP for training?

I have heard a lot about the fact that PHP programmers are famous for their bad taste in code. Is this a feature of the PHP language, or is there another reason?
Therefore, I think what language to take as the basis of training. Is it worth it to learn Java/C/C++ for a year first to gain good programming skills?

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2 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2018-09-23

1. The quality of the code depends on the desire to write quality code and the experience of the programmer.
2. The customer does not care about the quality of the code, he is interested in a working product for the minimum time and minimum money. And very often small projects are written in PHP, which actually do not really need the quality of the code.
3. Unlike C++ and Java, PHP is easier to learn, so there are more inexperienced programmers.
That's all.
So take any language and set a little more global goals - for example, what exactly do you want to write, since the choice of language often depends on the task.

AVKor, 2018-09-23


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