Sergey2015-11-25 17:52:23
Sergey, 2015-11-25 17:52:23

Is it possible to authorize mikrotik hotspot on a page on the Internet?

There is a VPS with freeradius and an authorization page on the Internet.
Tell me how to configure the mikrotik router in such a way that it redirects for authorization to this page on the Internet, and not to the page located on the router itself?
Is it even possible? And will such an authorization method work by analogy with dd-wrt chilli ?

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2 answer(s)
bukass, 2015-11-26

You can, and authorization through social networks is also possible.

add dst-host=x.x.x.x server=hotspot1
add dst-host=http://www.xxx.ru path=/templates/xxx/images/logo.png
add dst-host=www.apple.com path=/library/test/success.html
add dst-host=x.x.x.x server=hotspot2
add dst-host=x.x.x.x server=hotspot3
add dst-host=x.x.x.x
add dst-host=*facebook.com
add dst-host=*facebook.net
add dst-host=*fbcdn.net
add dst-host=*akamai*
add dst-host=*vk*
add dst-host=*ok*
add dst-host=*odnoklassniki*
add dst-host=*mycdn*
add dst-host=*twitter.com*
add dst-host=*twimg.com*
add dst-host=*abs.twitter.com
add dst-host=*instagram*
add dst-host=*akamaihd.net
add dst-host=*fbcdn*

Braind, 2015-12-10

It's described in detail here. You can connect both statistics and social network login, just don't forget about the wallet garden

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