sunny-plum2020-05-27 00:29:10
sunny-plum, 2020-05-27 00:29:10

Is it possible to add a landing page with a completely different design to a multi-page site on WP?

Is it possible to add a landing page with a completely different design to a multi-page site on WP?
The customer requires this, but this is the first time I have encountered this, tell me, please

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-05-27

Of course it is possible.
You can implement it in different ways ...
1) create separate templates. For example, header-landing.php footer-landing.php page-landing.php
Next, in functions.php check the logic is_page()to dequeue standard scripts and styles and include scripts and styles for landing.
2) create a new theme and use ready-made plugins to assign this theme to the desired pages.
An example of such a plugin is https://wordpress.org/plugins/jonradio-multiple-themes/
Search Google for Wordpress multiple themes.
I think the first way is better

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