Blah Blag2015-08-09 10:56:00
Blah Blag, 2015-08-09 10:56:00

Is it enough to know a little javascript to start writing in node.js?

I can write something in Javascript, such as calculators and other little things. And so the question is in the title. Subject

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4 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2015-08-09

Not enough.
Learn a language faster than sitting in endless debugging because you don't understand how closures work.

Dmitry Avilov, 2015-08-09

Quite, but it will be necessary to slightly change ideas about programming, it is such asynchrony, but in my opinion it's worth it.
I myself switched from pearl to node, being able to write calculators, it was nothing, it was quite easy to figure it out, but at first I suffered from callback hell, immediately advice - deal with asynchrony in principle and the async module (or similar) in order to perform tasks sequentially when it need.

Igor Kalashnikov, 2015-08-09

Let me give you some advice:
in order to immediately move in the right direction without wasting time, study the promises :
https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird on "sugar", I love CoffeeScript the most, but not everyone will like it, so I would look at babeljs.io, I now use it in one team project, it's quite comfortable. "sugar" will introduce new useful features into the language, for example, give you convenient abbreviations, or the ability to describe classes, and much more. I was very very sorry when I tried the Coffee that I had ignored it before.

JSLik, 2015-08-09

It depends on what is meant by the word "superficial". The main points can be understood without a deep knowledge of JS, but you cannot become a professional in this area without a deep knowledge of js

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