Viktor Gubanov2016-03-10 03:47:55
Viktor Gubanov, 2016-03-10 03:47:55

Is it effective to register a site in directories?

Good day.
There is a site that has been given to the contractor for seo-promotion / optimization for three months.
Then I decided to ask them for a report on the work done. So they sent me a list of directories "to which information about the site was successfully sent." Half are inaccessible, the other half of the site was not found, if not to talk about their appearance and so on. (links to some below to understand what I mean)
Example of sites from the catalog:
In this regard, the question is :
Is this normal or am I being played hard?
Thanks in advance for your replies.

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13 answer(s)
archelon, 2016-03-10

Once registration in directories was an effective and almost obligatory step in website promotion.
Today, this procedure can do more harm than good.
I advise you to think about whether it is worth continuing to work with these SEOs.

Dmitry Kuzmin, 2016-03-10

Please do not use directories for SEO.
Spend an hour or two, read about the promotion, categorically filtering the nonsense of "infobusinessmen".
After that, you will be able to weed out people who talk a lot but do little. And you will be able to communicate effectively with contractors who know how to work.
Subjectively, but it is worth promoting websites with the help of good content and competent layout. If the site is shit, it is better to make one that can be promoted with good content.

SSS 010101, 2016-03-10

Not efficient.

Andrew, 2016-03-10

First you need to register the site in Yandex.Webmaster, so that Yandex bots index the site more quickly, at the same time you will see what is happening and how. Next, quality content is now the most important criterion for indexing, as far as I know. If the site is commercial and active promotion makes sense and allows profitability, I would pay attention to the same yandex.direct. Google also has similar services, but it makes sense to bother if you need to promote a site in addition to the Russian Federation.

Serg Shot, 2016-03-10

Back in 2009, Yandex quickly banned one of our sites for this, we barely escaped. It's scary to even think about it now

Michael, 2016-03-10

Everything you wrote above is correct.
The best thing for promotion is the content and user behavior on your site (time spent there, browsing depth, etc.).
That is, you need content + a well-designed site + normally laid out and made. And also read the documentation from the search engines, everything is really written there that they need for better delivery. External links are good from authoritative sources.
Yes, even search engines now love to read social networks, so don’t forget about them in the complex too.

Kirill Naumov, 2016-03-10

Well, I would not be so categorical in this matter. Catalog catalog strife. There are a whole bunch of working directories and business directories: yelp, google business, dmoz, yandex-catalog, yahoo directories + various local directories that really make a difference, BUT! It is usually either very problematic to get there or expensive. But then again, they work. But adding +100500 shit directories is more likely to have the opposite effect and you are more likely to harm the site. In general, do everything wisely and do not believe in miracles. Good site position (in most cases) is a long-term and hard work. There is no magic button.

beduin01, 2016-03-10


Alexey Lazutin, 2016-03-10

I do not agree with the comrades who said NO.
I say yes, it's not bad. I do not say that it is useful and I do not say that it is dangerous! But it's definitely not bad. Since links from directories = natural links that are present on most sites in almost any in the TOP.
It is clear that they are not as effective now as they were in 2006-2008. But even now there is no harm from them.
Yes, you do not need to place a catalog with links on your site! And getting links from directories is worth it.

Prolex, 2016-03-17

I wouldn't say so categorically and unambiguously. Last year I conducted an experiment on one of the "sand" sites. Performed a run through the "catalogues". When checking the result, the situation was similar to that of the author of the question ... So after a couple of days, Yandex issued +10. Catalogs are different. This is the case when oil can spoil porridge, and even more so with bad oil. The reference mass currently also plays a role, though already the same as before, but no one has canceled it. Gradual growth in the correct directories will not bring harm in any way. I won’t repeat the uniqueness and readability of the content for people, as well as other parameters mentioned in the comments above.

everyhotiung, 2019-03-25

Take sites in the top and analyze the link mass. Most of them have a bunch of links from directories. You won’t go anywhere on content alone, even as Pushkin write - everything will be useless. You need to do everything in a complex and links from directories can help the site overtake competitors, provided that the rest of the optimization is normal

blogopoisk, 2016-03-10

Not only is it not effective, but they can also be punished for it.
The same applies to guest bulletin boards.

Mikhail Melnikov, 2016-03-10

Depends on the theme of the site. For some of them, especially for commercial sites, there is traffic from directories, albeit a small one. True, there are 3-5 such directories maximum. The rest is hardly worth registering.

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