IsaevDev2017-04-24 19:35:22
IsaevDev, 2017-04-24 19:35:22

Is BEM applicable to MySQL?

Are the fields in the table named according to the pattern table_name__cell_name__type, for example users__banned__flag, so that PDO can figure out which table the value is in when joining and how to secure the data?
Is it applied or bicycle?

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3 answer(s)
index0h, 2017-04-24


sim3x, 2017-04-24

ORM is used for this.

FanatPHP, 2017-04-25

I can answer for PDO.
1. PDO has nothing to do with requests. PDO does not write SQL for you, nor does it make it secure. You can name the columns whatever you want, PDO is a no-brainer.
2. To secure data, you should use **prepared expressions.**

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