netrox2018-06-13 10:34:22
netrox, 2018-06-13 10:34:22

Is a dynamic site possible on Github pages?

How optimal is it to make a site for tests / quizzes using Github pages as hosting, and Firebase for storing data (tests and answers)?

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2018-06-13

To you in what units optimality to tell? As a percentage, or in the cost of maintenance?
Firebase has free quotas, if you don’t get out for them, then you won’t pay for the content, you won’t be able to connect your domain, but who the hell knows if you need it.
Take it and do it, you can always transfer it.

Astrohas, 2018-06-13

AWS free limits are enough for the eyes. Why pervert.

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