Nikopol252014-12-28 16:14:43
Network administration
Nikopol25, 2014-12-28 16:14:43

Internet via PPTP server on DD-Wrt?

The tp-link 1043 router with openwrt distributes the Internet, dir-300 with dd-wrt and a raised ppptp server are connected to it. How to do when, that when you connect via the Internet to a pptp server, you can access the Internet via tp-link 1043?

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2 answer(s)
mars natsuhiboshi, 2015-12-29

tp-link 1043 router with openwrt distributes internet

You are full of contradictions. Is it possible to put the question more clearly?

Nikopol25, 2015-12-29

At home, there is a router 1043 on openwrt, dir300 is connected to it with a VPN server from work, I connect to the VPN. How to make sure that when you connect to a VPN, all traffic goes through your home Internet.

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