Alexander2011-12-08 14:27:31
Alexander, 2011-12-08 14:27:31

Interactive map using Raphael and SVG?

Good day to all!

There is a task to make an interactive map for the Perm region, there is a map ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB :Outline_Map_of_Perm_Krai.svg, there is a very wonderful example of how to organize this ruseller. com/lessons.php?rub=32&id=952 , this example uses the map en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File :Blank_map_of_Europe_-_Atelier_graphique_colors.svg.

Until this time, I didn’t really come across JavaScript, but there is an urgent task to implement something similar as shown in the example. Right now I can't figure it out, so I'm asking for help.

The problem is this:
I take the data from the SVG from the d="...." value, insert this data into the path, but the image is not displayed on the page. The difference is that the example uses the coordinates of the type "M 353.1856,270.01047 C 352.78938,269.87841 344.33684,265.78418 343.94062 ....", in my case coordinates of the type "M 463.53375,957.92014 -2.10173, -0.54675 1.53701,24,2424 - 0.21957,24224 - 1.31743.0 -0.21958....". As I understood from the Rapchael manual, the M and m character registers have a difference in absolute and relative positioning, but how to organize it correctly in my case remains a mystery to me.

If this method is crazy, then perhaps it makes sense to use flash / silverlight?

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12 answer(s)
notcommon, 2014-03-01

@sashak you need to translate the normal SVG into a format that Raphael understands. Here on this page you can do it. First select a file, press convert, then collect Raphael. Another window opens, at first there is nothing there, you need to press Page from the top left and your map will be in a new window. The site is terrible, I barely understood it, but it works :) I managed to convert your map www.irunmywebsite.com/raphael/p_OutlineMapofPermKr...

Alexander, 2011-12-09

Can no one suggest how this can be done?

TimID, 2011-12-09

Well, a simple parsing of your string with the replacement of characters and recalculation of coefficients will not help you?
As far as I understand, in the original format, C is followed by absolute coordinates, and in your case, offsets from the first. Try something like this:
In the php version:
$oldcoords = split(' ', $my_source_coord); // режем по пробелу "свою" строку
$newcoords = [];
$basiscoords=split(',' , $oldcoords[1]); // наши базисные координаты
$coordselements=split(',' , $oldcoords[2]); // первая группа "относительных" координат
$newcoords[3]=($basiscoords[0]+$coordselements[0]) . ',' . ($basiscoords[1]+$coordselements[1]); // складываем абсолютные координаты базиса и смещения, а затем склеиваем в одну строку
// ... здесь продолжаем нужное число раз ...//
$newline = join (' ',$newcoords); // склеиваем строчку через пробел

Dmitry, 2011-12-09

It would also be great to provide code. I do not remember such a moment from Doki Rafael. IMHO he stupidly writes everything in g.path is in SVG PATH

iDrakon, 2014-02-25

If still relevant, when using Raphael, where is the map (picture) indicated on which everything is displayed?

Alexander, 2014-02-25

As far as I remember, everything is indicated there in coordinates from an array of the form "M 353.1856,270.01047 C 352.78938,269.87841 344.33684,265.78418 343.94062...."

iDrakon, 2014-02-25

with coordinates, everything is simple and clear - this is the simplest.
apparently I'm not formulating the question correctly.... I
'm creating based on this example
the coordinates are created and placed in paths.js
but nothing is displayed on the map....

Alexander, 2014-02-25

Please note that the coordinates must be absolute, not relative, I also did not display anything when I used relative coordinates.

iDrakon, 2014-02-26

I use, as in the example - CAPITAL letters in coordinates - absolute.
Path: 'm 172.76 659.87 C 176.90 662.90 183.03
663.86 , coordinates - also laid out in the index file and wrapped in a div - this is not indicated in the example.

iDrakon, 2014-02-27

who is in the subject at all?

iDrakon, 2014-03-06

I did everything according to the recommendations of notcommon
notcommon - you, so to speak, LIKE!

Alexey, 2017-10-25

The question is old, but in case someone else is looking for how to do this.
Interactive map in 20 minutes without plugins and libraries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CurYICWI0T8

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