Vladislav Artemenko2018-02-08 20:22:07
Vladislav Artemenko, 2018-02-08 20:22:07

Installing MS Access on Linux?

For your purposes, you need to install Microsoft Access
But so far there is only a laptop on Linux Mint 18.3
There are no plans to install Windows because it doesn’t pull well
I searched for a long time on the net, but I didn’t find anything normal ((
Help, please!

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4 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2018-02-09

If you just need "lack of base", take LibreOffice Base.
If you need access, then in theory you have two options:
- install wine and try to install MS Office in it (no guarantees that it will work)
- install KVM (libvirt + qemu) or virtualbox and raise a virtual machine with a full-fledged Windows in it (the guarantee that it will work is complete, but there will definitely be problems with licensing)

sim3x, 2018-02-08

probably won't find a step -by-step manual
Install wine-dev and try to install the access itself and google for errors during the installation process

Nikolai, 2018-02-08

If the WinOC laptop does not pull, then it will definitely not swallow Access through the emulator. Unfortunately.

Yerlan Ibraev, 2018-02-09

Maybe it's not necessary after all?
MS Access has licensing issues.
Maybe call another RDBMS?
And so VirtualBox->Windows->MS Access

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