MAXH02015-03-14 19:50:27
IT education
MAXH0, 2015-03-14 19:50:27

Information Security. What should be taught?

The situation is a girl. I explained one term paper to her, another and understood that they don’t teach anything at the university ...
The systemic knowledge is zero, the control of residual knowledge is zero, the understanding for what they teach is zero.
Question. If you were to take a man who had just graduated from a university with a diploma in information security, what would be your requirements for him? (except for the ability to brew coffee - she knows how).
Of course, I will not replace the whole university, but at least I will explain where to dig.

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2 answer(s)
Armenian Radio, 2015-03-14

What a person should know after high school is written in the standard of his specialty. Look for the standard on the website of the university (they must publish it, otherwise they will not receive accreditation) by the code of the specialty from the diploma.

Timur, 2015-03-15

If you're expecting her to be in technical security, then you need to be good at networking (starting from the very beginning: OSI model, communication protocols, etc. - well, a long time ago, when the Earth was a molten ball... )
If in the direction of organizational issues - then legislation (confidential information, personal information, trade secrets, etc.)
And as for the training program, rather than reading the standards of universities, it is better to look at the training programs of commercial training centers - it is quite concise and specifically described there.

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