Sergey Kamyshev2017-09-11 20:08:15
Sergey Kamyshev, 2017-09-11 20:08:15

Incorrect work of Android Studio. How to fix?

Already rearranged the environment. It still doesn't create apk files. If you create it manually and move it to the device, installing it on it, then everything will work. But this is not a way out, because. take a lot of time to launch.
There was a couple of times the message "ide internal error occurred android studio" . After that, the studio offered to send a report to Google, and did so (without results). The most interesting thing is that some projects are launched (old and just created), while others old and recently created are not :-( I think the problem is in the new update that I installed today. Tell me who knows!

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Kamyshev, 2017-09-12

It helped "Click Build tab ---> Clean Project" + replacing the libraries of the newly minted Android O (sdk 26) and, accordingly, rolling back to sdk 25 (to stable libraries).

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