ESSES18682019-04-14 17:22:16
Search Engine Optimization
ESSES1868, 2019-04-14 17:22:16

Incorrect Quick links in Yandex. How to fix?

In Yandex, Quick Links includes pages that have rel="canonical" set to another page. These pages are not even in the search results, but they stubbornly climb into Quick links. Occasionally, normal, correct pages also get there. However, they are constantly changing. And it's been that way for many months.
Correspondence with the support service did not give anything. They say that there were some changes in the link generation algorithm and reported the problem to the developers. I've been waiting for half a year. Google doesn't have this problem.
Maybe someone faced similar?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Denisov, 2019-04-14

Try to check the internal linking and the number of links to those pages that are currently displayed in sitelinks, because. this is one of the factors of their formation.

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