Alexander2015-06-23 09:40:27
Alexander, 2015-06-23 09:40:27

Including vendor bundle dependencies in Symfony2 automatically?

I created a vendor bundle. I posted it on packagist.org and on github. I am currently writing the installation instructions. And ran into a problem.
My bundle has a lot of dependencies (about 10). And when I just used my bundle in the project, I connected dependent bundles in app/AppKernel.php (all 10 pieces).
Now that the bundle is a vendor one, all its dependencies must also be connected in this way. Or can it be written somewhere in the bundle itself? Does it have something to do with DepandencyInjection?

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1 answer(s)
Denis, 2015-06-23

There are two options.
Or pull dependencies at home, if these are libraries.
Or connect to AppKernel if these are bundles.
And since I "connected dependent bundles", then yes, everyone should be registered in the AppKernel.
A vivid example. SonataAdmin (Connection of bundles and painted AppKernel)
And DoctrineExtendion (Uses gedmo, but as a library, and not a line in AppKernel)

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