Riddik2016-01-17 17:36:29
Payment systems
Riddik, 2016-01-17 17:36:29

In which bank to open a foreign currency account for individual entrepreneurs?

Tell me, please, in which bank is it most convenient to receive money in usd from abroad?
I applied to the Bank of Moscow, where I already have an account in rubles, so for each receipt in foreign currency they require a copy of the contract, translated into Russian and certified by a notary. For every translation. For me, it is unrealistic to run and translate each contract, and then certify it with a notary and provide it to the bank.
Is it like this everywhere or are there banks that make it much more convenient to receive money in usd?
Thank you!

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10 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2016-01-17

everywhere so,
it is possible without a notary, if the contract is bilingual, i.e. including Russian is

ilya_k, 2016-01-18

in alpha everything is ok for example, but postal23 is right, all because of currency control.
there is no big difference between banks when it comes to inconvenience precisely within the framework of passing currency control.

KAFLAN, 2016-01-18

As mentioned above, if the contract amount is less than 50k USD, the contract does not require a transaction passport, which greatly simplifies the process of receiving funds as part of shipments under it. However, the legislation does not limit the number of currency contracts concluded per year/month/week, so there is no such postal23 annual limitation in the legislative framework.
In the case of work under a contract, the cost of which does not exceed 50k USD, all that will be required of you at the bank:
1) The presence of a Russian-language version (as dimonchik2013 correctly noted, it can be integrated into the contract, which will avoid the need to do a notarized translation) - one-time.
2) Submission of a completed certificate of a currency transaction (in fact, you will need two of them, for transferring from a transit account to a settlement account and from a settlement account to a personal one) - after each posting under the contract.
3) Submission of a certificate of supporting documents, together with a document confirming the fulfillment of your obligations under the contract (act) - after posting the closing payment.
Of all the well-known non-banks, at the time of publication of this comment, only Alfa-Bank fully automated the entire document flow associated with the conduct of foreign economic activity. Those. all of these documents (and even the registration of a transaction passport), including instructions for transferring funds, are filled out and submitted directly in the online bank interface, which simply divinely saves time and nerves compared to filling out exemplary Excel files with a ton of comments, reservations and lengthy instructions for completing them.
As for the economic component of the process, of course, it will not be as cheap as in SBBank anywhere else. But banking services in the current economic situation cannot be so cheap, while remaining quite reliable and stable. Now the general trend in the banking market of the Russian Federation is to raise interest on withdrawing funds (even from individual entrepreneurs' accounts). In this vein, not only the cost of monthly maintenance becomes important, which is quite high in Alfa-Bank (900-1200 rubles per account per month). But also the amount of bank commissions for withdrawing funds. Alfa-Bank is doing well in this regard, the percentage for withdrawing rubles is one of the lowest on the market, plus there is still a loophole with the transfer of dollar cash to a personal account and subsequent conversion into rubles already there. This loophole can significantly reduce the overhead of transporting the cache.
PS: If you still choose Alfa-Bank, choose a branch with a not very busy currency control.

Alexey Sundukov, 2016-01-21

I can say for sure that only not in VTV24. I really regret going to them.

xsash, 2019-06-18

Kind. Which bank did you end up choosing?

Ivan Starkov, 2014-07-27

Your main problem is that at the university, especially at technical faculties, there are simply no books on mathematics :-)
Moreover, it is easier to forget school mathematics for completeness of assimilation of the material. Therefore, look at what they will teach you in the first courses, for example, I really liked Analytic Geometry and Linear Algebra, (Matan not very much).
I liked the terver textbook (by Feller), I didn't like the terver (by Kolmogorov).
I liked numerical methods (Bakhvalov) and could not stand any complex analyzes, etc.
I liked any more or less useful information on computer graphics (there was little to find in 1995).
Therefore, think about what your soul lies in - but there will simply be no books on Mathematics after school.

globuser, 2015-05-20

Perhaps you need mathematics more focused on programming ...
Mathematics is a big science, it has many sections.
Programmers are also different.
The following subsections in mathematics and analysis can be identified as the most popular for people who are more or less connected with programming:
algebra, data analysis, Boolean algebra, time series, numerical methods, graphs, discrete mathematics, analysis of variance, combinatorics, cryptography, linear algebra, mathematical analysis, mathematical logic, theory of algorithms, numbers, neural networks, fuzzy logic, errors, decision making, forecasting, pattern recognition, recursion, system analysis, statistics, probability theory, games, sets, econometrics and others...
If you take each of the above words as a key word, enter it in a search engine, specifying criteria with the tags "literature", "books", "fundamentals", then you can get a lot of good information useful for any programmer, well, just for general development, pumping naturally - analytical and mathematical abilities.
As the most recently come across to me books on mathematics that may be useful to you, I will cite a few, but this is not a panacea:
Van der Waerden. Algebra.
Shafarevich. Basic concepts of algebra.
Kourosh. General algebra.
Barseghyan. Data analysis technologies.
Esbensen. Analysis of multidimensional data.
Podzorov. Boolean algebras.
Cook. Computer mathematics.
Alekseev. Counts. Computation models. Data structures.
Basker. Finite graphs and networks.
Teeth. Programmer's Handbook. Basic methods for solving graph problems and sorting.
Christophides. Graph theory. Algorithmic approach.
Bessonov. Fundamentals of discrete mathematics.
Ivanov. Discrete Math. Algorithms and programs.
Vilenkin. Combinatorics.
Aho. Data structures and algorithms.
Gilbert. Foundations of mathematics.
Whip. The art of programming.
Royak. Mathematical logic.
Gorban. Neural networks.
Terano. Applied fuzzy systems.
Maltsev. Algorithms and recursive functions.
Afifi. Statistical analysis.
Feller. Introduction to probability theory and its applications.
Hasse. Lectures on number theory.
Oh, well, these are just a few of the entire library of thousands of books on mathematics. Also, do not forget to study foreign works, since foreign literature and periodicals are very often one step ahead of Russian ones, especially in these areas. Determine in which area you will have to work, what is more applicable there, what is needed, on such literature and be guided. But the basics and in general the basic concepts of mathematics should be known to every self-respecting programmer, and in general just an educated person, engineer, specialist, manager, analyst...

lookid, 2014-07-27

You somehow got down to this business quite late.
Applications to the Technical University in Brno are accepted in advance, in many faculties until the end of February. Foreign applicants, in addition to the requirements for Czech applicants, must also provide a document on the nostrification of a certificate or diploma and a document on passing an exam in the Czech language at level B2. In fact, you need to pass the exams for an international certificate in English, German and Czech before February. Depending on the language in which the training program will be conducted. Czech minimum. And this is until February 2015, when you need to send the entire package of documents. When you don’t even have documents about graduation in your hands. So you started some kind of nonsense.

Pavel Zhukau, 2014-07-27

Oh no. I have now finished the 10th grade, and then the 11th is coming. After 11 I go to courses at the Technical University of Brno.

Forzenals Voteva, 2014-07-28

Work out the Scanavi problem book (algebra, plani / stereometry, angem, that's all).
The beginning of the analysis is Demidovich's problem book.
And you will enter the courses with a good base.

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