Dmitry2017-06-22 11:32:31
Dmitry, 2017-06-22 11:32:31

In what language should the bot be written, for games and browser?

Good afternoon. Do not judge strictly. In general, I can’t do anything in this area, but I have a great desire to make bots. So that's the crux of the matter; I want to create bots for online games, non-browser ones and bots for websites like: turboliker, etc. Where is this question most relevant? If possible, I would like to repeat the functionality of vkbot personally for myself in a separate program. In what single language can this be implemented?

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2 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2017-06-22

> At first I thought about taking on Java, but after reading I realized that this is not the language in which it is possible to implement the tasks I need as profitably as possible.
> I drew these conclusions from the conclusion of another person who described the possibilities of java.
Didn't this person accidentally sing Chaliapin to you so that you could check out Chaliapin's voice and capabilities?
Answer: a bot can be written in almost ANY programming language. And Java is a pretty good choice. But to write a bot, you need to learn not only the programming language, but also the technology, which will take much more time than the language itself.

GavriKos, 2017-06-22

On any. I advise you to take the one you know. If you don't know any, google questions "how to start learning programming".

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