kartio2015-01-11 21:23:41
IT education
kartio, 2015-01-11 21:23:41

In what area to develop further?

Maybe the question has already been raised more than once, but I would like to hear advice or just someone else's opinion.
I am a programmer, I have about ten years of experience (not counting my studies), I started with system programming for Windows, gradually slipped into freelance website building.
At the moment, I'm already tired of dealing with sites and I would like to choose for myself the direction of further development.
I would like to choose a technology stack that would fit the following conditions:
1) The ability to work remotely (I live in a small city, I don’t plan to move, since life is already fully equipped)
2) Demand for and completeness of the technology itself / technology stack, so that you can create some products on order by the team (as a prospect for developing yourself in this area) (for example, deepening purely in the frontend will not eventually allow you to create a commercial product, plus I’m used to thinking more globally and interesting the architecture of applications in general, well, plus the imprint of the web, where knowledge of pure php will not give anything in the end).
3) The perspective of the area itself (by this I mean that, for example, if this is development for the desktop, is it needed now and if so, what technologies (Qt, .NET WPF or other)? If for mobile devices, then what Namely), so that you can immerse yourself in these technologies and not be useless in a couple of years. It may not even be purely programming, but for example something related, such as CRM, ERP or something else. I would like to become a specialist, even in a narrow but in-demand area.
4) Each giant of the industry creates and promotes something of its own: Microsoft, Oracle, Google have their own vision for the same thing and there is a constant struggle for the market, so this is also a separate item for choice, on which, for example, the same language depends programming or the scope of use (end users, small companies or corporations), and sometimes the prospect of technology itself.
On PHP + HTML + JS (and related MySQL, CSS and various frameworks for PHP and JS) I did projects of different levels of complexity, but as a rule there are no interesting offers in freelancing. For the entire period of work, I also made applications on MFC (C ++), .NET Windows Forms (C #), ASP.NET MVC (C #), on Qt for one specific hardware platform, plus recently I have studied Android programming for myself and made small applications for yourself.
Despite the interest in Qt, I do not see much demand for it and the lack of support from large corporations. C# and the technology stack from Microsoft are interesting, but what exactly is in demand or will be in demand is not clear to me, the range of their technologies has greatly expanded over the past ten years, do not forget about the delay in the development of products for the same mobile devices and the issue with the desktop perspective. Android is certainly interesting, but it seems to me that it’s not the time to compete in the market with hundreds of thousands of applications and write the hundredth in a row “the same application, but from a different author”. Recently, it is already physically impossible to know everything, since so many nuances have appeared in each area that you need to choose one thing and delve into it.
I would like to hear your opinion and make a short list of interesting and promising areas for further development.

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4 answer(s)
soif, 2015-01-12

I advise you to pay attention to Ruby on Rails.
Of the advantages compared to .NET:
Of the minuses:
More on cons.
In terms of certifications and standards, there are simply good rail courses whose graduates are listed on the market. But in general, certification is not a rails way ...
If we consider remote vacancies, then the number is not so different.
Familiarize yourself:
rusrails.ru The input level to
the technology is higher than PHP, but lower than .NET
pumping. And, of course, Ruby's syntax takes getting used to.
Correct me if you don't agree with something =)

Puma Thailand, 2015-01-12

Do what you did and
discover foreign freelancing on Odessa

xmoonlight, 2015-01-11

Let's take it logically: there are many major players in the standards market, but what about CPU/GPU manufacturers? Intel, nVidia, ..?
Platforms are up to you. I would immediately learn to do under *nix-s.
As a result: processing of large data arrays under Linux on the CPU/GPU kernel API and BigData/DataMining/prediction and analytics systems.
Any REACTIVE service with an API with such knowledge is not a problem to do.
What else do you need now?)

uvelichitel, 2015-01-11

Big Data, Distributed Computing. And not languages, but protocols
PAXOS messages, RAFT - for
ApacheThrift negotiation, GoogleProtocolBuffers - for interaction
, and the good old OSI stack - for transport. Maybe so?

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