Suil2019-06-05 08:00:20
Search Engine Optimization
Suil, 2019-06-05 08:00:20

In the bypass history in the webmaster appeared url from a porn site?

Good day.
Registered a domain. Added to Yandex webmaster. A couple of days later I saw that it was bypassing completely different links. Judging by the url - this is a porn site.
I checked for an indication in Yandex, it's empty. Also in the web archive. What could it be? Could it be that there used to be a porn site on this domain?

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1 answer(s)
MasterMike, 2019-06-05

This means, my young friend, that you urgently need to check the site for infection.
The site is still on WordPress, right?
Start digging with htaccess, then it will be clearer.
Maybe it's just them, maybe not.)

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