Nolmegar2013-11-13 20:17:08
In contact with
Nolmegar, 2013-11-13 20:17:08

In contact with. Community names are replaced with "my guests" ads

In contact in the news, instead of the name of the public, an advertisement is written "My guests are ta yes yes." Chrome, adblock enabled, firewall disabled, kaspersky also works. Sorry, guys, the picture is not inserted through the built-in function. Catch the link like that, if it's legal at all. http://i031.radikal.ru/1311/0d/3bc6f011cf04.png

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6 answer(s)
Naked, 2013-11-13

I think it's better to ask vk support http://vk.com/support?act=new

callback, 2013-11-13

Check if extra add-ons and userscripts are installed in the horma.

FLABER, 2013-11-13

Check that in the settings of your network card in the properties of TCP / IPv4 in the DNS field there is either "Receive automatically" or Google's standard DNS: tcp_settings.png

DimonCJ, 2013-11-13

Also check the hosts file and for suspicious plugins in chrome://plugins/

bahek2462774, 2013-11-14

I would check all extensions installed in the browser. And turn them off one by one. For example, chrome - installed one extension - "PFD to DOC" - so this extension inserted its advertisement into vk.com at the very top.

Ruslan Fatkhutdinov, 2013-11-14

Disable all extensions in chrome and see if everything is back to normal. If everything has become normal, then turn on the extensions one by one and check when the problem comes out.

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