syxoi2016-10-30 11:19:24
syxoi, 2016-10-30 11:19:24

If the fear that you can not cope with the work, what to do?

Hello! I am 18 years old and I am in my second year of technical school as a software engineer.
In theory, I am self-taught, and, one might say, I went through the entire program in advance. It will not be possible to go further to the university because of too "narrow" opportunities.
I know basic UNIX-like OS administration skills (installing Linux, FreeBSD distros, configuring services such as apache and nginx, samba and nfs, db mysql and the like).
Also, the solution of minor hardware malfunctions (diagnosed, identified what exactly broke down and replaced it, if the breakdown of the device is not so complicated, for example, refilling or buying a cartridge for a printer, then it can be solved)
I really don’t really like programming, I can only write the most elementary, just some bash script with pairs of commands, but already complex programs, such as programs for 3D modeling, are no longer there.
Can I apply for any specialty after technical school with such knowledge?
And the fear is that I might not be able to do some work, for example, if I work as a niks administrator somewhere and they let me write a program, again, that calculates something cosmic there, and you don’t have any formulas, nothing you know. I am friends with mathematics, but the circle of its knowledge is rather narrow.
Thank you!

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7 answer(s)
Sergey Goryachev, 2016-10-30

I don't really like programming

I have a question. Fuck then?

Rou1997, 2016-10-30

If you don’t know, then find out, if you don’t know how, then learn, if the problem is not solved for a long time, then you probably need to apply a different approach, don’t be lazy and think, the world is endless, so you need to learn all your life, otherwise you will be limited.

sim3x, 2016-10-30

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing
If in the process of work you don’t know how to do something, then you ask, and then you do
it If you can’t overcome fear yourself, go to a specialist

Kolya K, 2016-10-30

they will let you write a program, again, which calculates something cosmic there, and you don’t know any formulas, nothing.

What does it mean to be allowed to write cosmic? If you're going to work as a spaceship programmer, then be prepared to write the appropriate programs and apply the appropriate formulas. And if you are a system administrator in some small cantor, then the work will be appropriate. Or do you think that you will be forced to repair a nuclear reactor there? :)

asd111, 2016-10-30

If you studied to be a programmer, you can always work as a system administrator. It is advisable to add another tower to your education and it will be possible to work in government offices and not only.
The system administrator is just setting up the OS, writing small scripts, etc.
I also advise you to take 1C administration courses.

abcd0x00, 2016-11-02

if I work as a niks administrator somewhere and they let me write a program, again, that calculates something cosmic, and you don’t know any formulas

If you are a system administrator, then you should not write programs, since you have no education. Many system administrators think that they are good programmers, but no matter how much I have seen code from them, this is such bullshit that will break at the first overlay of some kind.
In general, programming and administration are two different fields. In one dofiga of information and in the other dofiga of information, and they do not intersect at all in anything. Therefore, you cannot be both at the same time, since you simply do not have enough time to study both areas at once.
Пример сисадмина, который думал, что он программист:
Пацан поставил форум, развил его и тут вдруг оказалось, что там надо починить тег какой-то (типа лишняя строка пишется какая-то в теге и неправильно раскрашивается). И тут-то оказалось, что он не в состоянии это сделать, потому что поставить движок он поставил (как сисадмин), а исправить его он не может (как программист). Ладно ещё баг, новый красивый и полезный тег добавить он тоже не может, потому что для этого надо уметь разрабатывать и теорию формальных языков знать и уметь, а он и не знает, и не умеет, и вообще это не его тема - разрабатывать что-то с нуля (он даже не может время вычислить, сколько уйдёт на разработку). Так и висит этот форум годами со сломанными тегами без каких-либо новых фич.

DefineDef, 2017-03-07

Have more faith in yourself and your abilities. Believe me, in the process of work there will always be more experienced mentors from whom you can ask anything. In general, choose the direction to which the soul lies more, because. daily to do work that you absolutely do not like - very quickly burn out as a person.

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