cat_crash2013-06-27 10:06:06
mobile connection
cat_crash, 2013-06-27 10:06:06

If a person is roaming - is it possible not to charge a "bribe" for a certain type of traffic

The question is purely theoretical, as far as this is possible at all:
- There is a conditional 3g operator called XXX in the country EEE
- He has a client from the MMMM operator who is in roaming (He came from a neighboring region)

The essence of the question is whether the operator XXX can technically make the ability NOT to charge on its own 3g traffic to vasya-pupkin.com? Those. so that traffic to this site for a roaming client is absolutely free?

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1 answer(s)
AgentSIB, 2013-06-27

Roaming (Wiki) .
An important point:
From a technical point of view, the service of a subscriber of a cellular network by a base station assigned to another switch is already roaming. But most often, roaming means service in the network of another operator. Such a service requires prior mutual agreement between the operators.
That is, it is theoretically possible if you agree with both operators, and they agree among themselves. But if we take all possible operators, then in practice it is extremely difficult to implement.

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