sowenok2013-03-22 12:12:43
sowenok, 2013-03-22 12:12:43

IDE with FTP like Notepad++

Can you tell the IDE that it would have the principle of working via FTP like Notepad ++? So that she can download files before editing.
Tried NetBeans and PhpStorm, I like it. But they both upload the whole project.

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10 answer(s)
Vitaly Ozersky, 2013-03-22

PhpStorm I use, there you can configure in the configuration which folders to exclude / include for downloading.
If you need to update one file, then “Download from server” is available in the context menu for each file / directory, you can also do Merge

EugeneOZ, 2013-03-22

Discover a VCS (like git) and forget about this ancient method of FTP editing.

Roman Kutenko, 2013-03-22

PhpDesigner works the way you want!

bredmm, 2013-03-22

Eclipse is the most suitable mine for you, if NetBeans suits everyone

freeman08, 2013-05-15

used (basic settings without customization):
1. СuteFTP
+ has a built-in editor (in my opinion, you can specify an external one)
+ works pretty fast.
- it's hard to migrate when updating the version if there are a lot of existing sites. (I didn’t always export correctly with my wizard, when changing / reinstalling the system I have to get up)
- working with files outside of IDE
2. FileZilla
+ uses the default editor
+ free
- sometimes crashes with errors \ freezes
- gets after each file change by setting the focus to the window and asking "whether to upload the updated file to the server" (this is probably subjective and if I remember correctly, it is configurable, but still I don’t really like it)
- working with files for outside the IDE
3. Eclipse
+ work with files in the project (local project communicates with ftp connection)
+ you can connect a lot of plugins
+ you can configure the file download in many ways: by saving it, by "right-clicking on the file -> download", download via hot keys, launch the project synchronization wizard, exclusively manually.
- sometimes it does not keep the connection stable or fills the files with dangling
- the IDE itself is badly updated from the old version to the new one, and it’s not stable at all like that. I had >200 projects in it and each project was associated with an ftp connection
Example 1:
updated java everything collapsed
Example 2:
Turned off the light \ bsod crashed - everything collapsed
Example 3:
Somehow updated Eclipse \ Aptana to a new version, all ftp disappeared connections (I had to create and link manually)
Example 4:
I reinstalled the system, ftp connections or connections with them did not come up ... or file uploads stopped working at all ... you google and waste time searching for and solving problems ...
in general, Eclipse has a problem with stability.
I am currently using the Netbeans + ftp plugin to work with files via ftp:
+ you can make a copy of the ftp project (it’s also possible in eclipse) and how to work with the project remotely but inside the IDE
+ (this is how I work) merge the project locally, create it in Netbeans and link it with an ftp connection (you can link quite flexibly, let's say there is only one ftp connection, and each project will be uploaded to a specific path on the server, in Eclipse it seems to be possible too, but not so flexible or more difficult to achieve)
+ you can configure different download methods: manually, automatically, I think there are hot keys too, but I I don't know them, you can also download the file version from the server
+ never uploaded a broken file or disconnected the connection for ~2 years
+ works with different types of connections: ftp, sftp etc.
+ easy to update (just install a new version and it imports everything)
+ never lost the connection of the project with the ftp connection
+ I store the project settings in the project folder, so when I connect the project, it automatically pulls up the project for me + connection with ftp ( I easily dragged what I needed home to Ubuntu from my working PC to Windows)
+ we work inside the IDE and do not rush between third-party editors, enjoying the usual syntax highlighting.
- there is no (or I just did not find) synchronization between the local project and the ftp version
- updates are not released so often (now of course more often than before), but the IDE (subjectively) is much more stable than Eclipse
- of course, it eats up quite a lot of memory if it is open for a long time, but I noticed that if you separate projects into groups (say group === client), then it starts to eat less memory (it may be far-fetched, but it seems to be less)
I hope it helps to make a choice. Sorry for not standardized "+" and "-" wrote quickly from the head. I hope that it will help to avoid my stuffed cones and the spent search for solutions in the process of work.

Fyodor, 2013-03-22

If simple edits, I use CuteFTP - though in version 8 it has problems with Russian utf, but you can encrypt the file with access details by
webuilder - it works in a similar way, but the file is not encrypted and you have to wait at the time of saving.
The latest version has some improvements in this regard.
but in general, I use netbeans for the project - yes, the whole project is uploaded, but this justifies the emerging conveniences - like the fact that you can immediately move to the function to see what is inside it, search for the project, etc.

Vyacheslav Plisko, 2013-03-22

There is a plugin for netbeans, like this one plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/13195/remote-file-system
Although it is better to create a remote project using standard tools, select the necessary directories and files for synchronization, it will be more convenient to work, and an extra backup with support IDE's local history hasn't bothered anyone yet.

ajaxtelamonid, 2013-03-22

Zend Studio 5.5.1 (not older) can do this, edit directly on a remote server, without intermediate project upload.

SOLON7, 2013-03-23

Try WEBMATRIX good joke, can only upload changed files.
I use it when developing with AZURE!!!
It is still worth trying the good old DreamWeaver one of the first)))

Stdit, 2013-03-23

I would recommend changing your development approach. Uploading all the project code to yourself is normal. This greatly simplifies navigation, allows you to use cross-file hints and jumps, eliminates the risk of losing a file due to a download error, and much more. And if you also hang a version control system, it will be generally good. If these joys of life do not interest you, but for some reason you need to edit files on the server, try eclipse or something based on it. For example, Aptana.

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