@Defite2012-02-15 22:15:05
@Defite, 2012-02-15 22:15:05

IDE for Mac OS X [html,css, js]?

The question has already been asked here by forr.st/~dIt , now I ask the habrozvery: I need an IDE for Mac, to work with html, css and js. I really need auto-completion of tags, tag hints, support for Zen Coding, hint for linked style sheets. Dreamweaver is not offered. Already tried:
Coda, TextMate [couldn't find autocompletion and stylesheet links], Espresso [I'm working on it now but can't find stylesheet links], Sublime Text 2 [in testing and learning], WebStorm [perfect, but eats up a lot of RAM in both 64-bit and 32-bit modes]

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10 answer(s)
No_Time, 2012-02-15

You described everything correctly, WebStorm is very good, however, like everything from jetbrains, Espresso is in second place.

skvot, 2012-02-15

Try Komodo

kreativf, 2012-02-15

Why didn't you like Coda? IDEs (especially those written in Java [Eclipse, PHPStorm, WebStorm etc.]) in general often show a strong appetite for resources. I've come to terms with it.

Vitaliy Petrychuk, 2012-02-15

PhpStorm (the same WebStorm + PHP). At first I used only WebStorm, but I had to work with index.php for the main page of the project ... And WebStorm with this file works like TextEdit :)
So I recommend PhpStorm.

Ilya Shabanov, 2012-02-15

I’ve been using Coda for the second year, there were no complaints, autocomplete + built-in ftp client + Zen Coding + svn, everything you need is there, and you can also remember such useful goodies as co-editing files and a terminal

Stdit, 2012-02-15

aptana.org/products/studio3 based on Eclipse.
Resources eats tolerably, on MacBooks with Core2Duo and above, the flight is comfortable.

koshak, 2012-02-16

Try Sublime Text 2 www.sublimetext.com/dev + Package control wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control Through it you can screw everything you need, including Zen Coding.
It has already been discussed somewhere that something will still have to be sacrificed. JetBrains products (Webstorm, I use PyCharm myself) are very functional, but sluggish due to java, live code auditing and so on. The same Sublime is not an IDE, it is a featureful editor. Just like textmate or notepad++. But with the possibility of plug-ins to expand the functionality to the required level without loss of performance.
Of the minuses of jetbrains (and the pluses of functional editors), if, as vermilion1 noted, you suddenly need to step left and right, then there will be no stupid code highlighting. for example, there are places in the python code with SQL inserts, Pycharm displays them as a crowd of comments, and sublime highlights them as SQL.

Evgeny Elizarov, 2012-02-16

I also upvote for Coda. By the way, the 2nd version should be released soon, and a lot of goodies are promised there.

Anton Bobrik, 2012-02-17


grun, 2012-02-17

no doubt webstorm, I use phpstorm, but it's the same webstorm + php, before that I used aptana, but after they advised products from jetbrains, there is no more desire to use anything else, there are a lot of functions and plugins, support for version control systems, debug, refactoring, all at the highest level.
the code is a wonderful and very convenient editor, namely the editor, but not a full-fledged idea, although they promise to release the second version soon, but what it will be capable of we will see only when it's done ...

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