Boobtschebeznika2021-09-03 08:09:17
IT education
Boobtschebeznika, 2021-09-03 08:09:17

I want to join gamedev, where do I start?

Hello. I will not introduce myself: I think no one will be interested in reading about the personal life of an afftor. Therefore, I get straight to the heart of the matter: what set of tools will be needed to open the door to this beautiful (well, or gray and disgusting) place? I've explored every nook and cranny of the internet, but haven't found a good plan to get into game development for a perfect zero in programming. Although no, I'm still a kindergartner in IT :) : I studied Pascal with pleasure at school, then I also took a couple of lessons from several online courses (Java, Python). But before the creation of the calculator did not reach.

The catch is this: of course, I can complete such courses completely, but it will not be the same at all. After all, they are mainly understood by operators (or whatever they are) and so on, without digging deep into the female structure and syntax of the language. Moreover, I want to learn more about programming, which includes not only languages.

But I don't understand where I need to start. Can someone advise something? (From me - a strong handshake through the screens)

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2 answer(s)
dollar, 2021-09-03

But before the creation of the calculator did not reach.

Doesn't sound like a love of programming.
... I, of course, can complete such courses ... After all, they are mainly understood by operators ...

That is, you do not know the basics of programming. It's clear.
...where to begin?

Start by knowing exactly what you want. A lot of people of different professions usually take part in game development. Including game designer(s), artist(s), marketer(s), producer. Maybe programming is just not for you.
And get ready for the fact that work is still work, not entertainment. And then, by the inspired tone, you might think that you don’t want to make a game, but play it. Your own game is boring, because you will know it to the smallest detail. In game development, there is a lot of routine, mathematics, and a lot is tied to money, which also needs to be counted. Of course, there is also a drive, but as in any business: programmers have it from programming, artists from drawing, etc. What is it that draws you in? This is where you get away from it.

Antonio Solo, 2021-09-03

But before the creation of the calculator did not reach.

and who needs you like that in gamedev? go as far as creating a calculator. then go to tetris on pygame. and only then think about where to go next

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