Manmipt2019-10-25 16:28:56
Manmipt, 2019-10-25 16:28:56

I want to get into blockchain technologies, which laptop should I take for work?

I want to deal with blockchain technologies, I'm entering the magician, there I need to know python and c ++ is it enough for mbp prp 13 2015 i5 / 8gb / 256gb to work or not?

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1 answer(s)
tsarevfs, 2019-10-25

The screen is too small for programming.
Is this the 1st generation of butterflies? https://habr.com/en/post/415591/ . If you are not super clean with a laptop, then you can get into trouble.
In terms of performance, it should be enough for study, but weaker machines should not be considered.

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