Evgenia Satonina2020-06-25 02:03:39
Evgenia Satonina, 2020-06-25 02:03:39

I want the bot to receive calls, call the base of numbers and talk with clients, where to start? where to dig?

Hello. I have an online store. The number of applications per day is growing. I receive all calls myself, and I also call incoming applications. Over the years of work, I have already developed a certain slogan, which I actually say on autopilot... Lately I've been thinking about setting up a Bot to do this for me, preferably in my voice... But even approximately I have no idea where to dig. I really want to make sure that once I set it up and it works. I found several services like Ziax, MTT, but there you need to pay for rent, for use, etc. I would like to have my own bot... What can I study, read, watch? Perhaps you can order such a development ... Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2020-06-25

but you are unlikely to master it without a proger, write / call them - they have standard solutions

aylarov, 2020-06-25

Try https://voximplant.ru/kit

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