oblakooblako2017-05-16 08:24:06
oblakooblako, 2017-05-16 08:24:06

I'm drawing a graph, LineRenderer is not displayed correctly, are there different coordinate systems on the scene and in the game?

I'm trying to draw a graph using LineRendrer , on stage and in game mode, the linerenderer is displayed differently.
What is it connected with?
And another question, tell me an alternative to Linerendrer, the main task is to draw a graph, and shift the graph to the left, changing the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the X axis (infinite X axis :) ).

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2 answer(s)
Daniil Basmanov, 2017-05-16

The LineRenderer draws in world coordinates, while the UI draws in canvas coordinates. You either need to make the camera orthogonal and set the orthographicSize to match the dimensions of the canvas, or set renderMode to WorldSpace in the canvas settings.

GavriKos, 2017-05-16

What is it connected with?

With the fact that in the scene mode you see the way you set it up yourself, and in the game mode - strictly through the camera. The scene editor's camera and viewport settings can naturally differ - from projection type to position.
Use not a game engine, but something more adapted for drawing graphs. Same Excel.

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