Gilberg2011-02-20 16:20:34
Gilberg, 2011-02-20 16:20:34

"I downloaded an illegal video" What do they want to bring to us with such advertising?

“I downloaded an illegal video”
This is how the video clip begins, which began to be broadcast on some TV channels.

I did not find any sensible information about this video, and therefore I want to know the opinion of the habra community about such advertising:
- What are they hinting at
- And what it can actually threaten

After watching and seeing the number of prisoners, I got an unpleasant feeling that they were going to jail all to tighten measures to identify and punish for viewing and distribution of pirated products.

What is your opinion?

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11 answer(s)
avatarmov, 2011-02-20

Oh, how I don't like it when they take a folk song and change the words in it. Straight sick.

darkslesh, 2011-02-20

This video will not give anything until the legislative system changes. There are already too many loopholes to remain innocent. It's one thing if you distribute an illegal video or be one of the primary sources of an illegal copy. And if you watched the video, then who knows if it is licensed or not, or is it such a marketing ploy (to release it for free in poor quality in order to lure you to watch it in a cinema or buy a licensed disc). Moreover, 90% of the information viewed on the Internet is the information that was viewed regardless of your desire (advertising banners), therefore it is unrealistic to prove the fact that you specifically went to the site to watch a pirated copy of the film. In addition, the rights of the parties are not precisely defined, for example, if I buy a licensed DVD, and my wife wants to watch it (without asking me), then it turns out, that it would be a violation because she is not the owner of the licensed copy. So it's all bullshit.
To fight piracy, you must first fight the pirates themselves (fighting piracy on the principle "Demand creates supply, then we kill demand and there will be no supply" is stupid and ineffective)

gabex, 2011-02-20

A funny thing happened to me recently. A neighbor, an elderly woman, asked me to help her with Skype. Her apartment, I must say, is under mine. And the room in which her laptop is located is exactly under the room in my apartment in which the router is located. I connected it to my network, and took out the USB whistle. When I asked if she should be taught how to use torrents, I got a very strange answer. With eyes full of, if not horror, then surprise, she told me that in no case would she do this, for criminal liability. So this is what I'm talking about ... Sometimes such advertising can unload your Internet channel.

Msviblov, 2011-02-20

It’s as if they are hinting to us that downloading an illegal video is a criminal article. But despite the fact that the maximum penalty for copyright infringement, which is provided for in Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is 6 years in prison, in practice I strongly doubt that there will be prosecution for downloading an illegal video to a home computer.

gabex, 2011-02-20

Maybe. But I also watched the World Cup final. And New Year's chimes. But I do not watch TV regularly, like most, probably, visitors to Habr.

Tsigulev Vitaly, 2011-02-20

What a mediocre, rude and disgusting creation, one must have a special “talent” to do so badly.
Copyright advocacy should be made much softer and more informative, showing the merits of paid content and how to acquire it.

Iskander Giniyatullin, 2011-02-21

I think this is a viral advertisement of some kind of service, such as
At first, just depersonalized videos go, after a month or two they will add to the end of the videos like “watch legal on ivi.ru”

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2011-02-20

"*;:%;("?;)!, what's my business, what video am I watching? How do I know if it's legal or not?
And don't talk to me about "legal services". On Zoomby.ru, a video of “a certain release group” is spinning. I don’t remember which one, but if someone doesn’t believe, I can spend an hour of my life and find screenshots, and the video itself.

Evgeny Elizarov, 2011-02-20

I’m interested in something else - would the opening of a thread of an online cinema solve the issue of “screens”? Not those that now show garbage for 100 rubles, but which would show new items, in parallel with ordinary cinemas. After all, people download screens not only because they feel sorry for the money to go to the cinema. Although probably for this we will not live to such a low level of piracy that someone would decide on this, because the quality of the “screens” will increase dramatically and it will be impossible to control the “screen recording” at all. And I would like to, because I see it as very convenient for many.

Marsikus, 2011-02-20

My God, how rude, gloomy, grotesque. The characters resemble Vasya Lozhkin's rabbits.
In Microsoft anti-piracy pictures, everyone is usually smiling and showing how good it is to use licensed programs.
At that time, in Russian social advertising - they wind up the term for piracy.
In general, Russia is in its repertoire - every citizen has a place in a cell.

michs, 2011-02-21

Art preparation for the launch of the project.
“Gazprom-Media has invested in the production of another online cinema with professional content, which will provide viewers with access to the main part of the video for a subscription fee.
The project will be hosted on the Now.ru domain and will be managed by the same team that currently manages Rutube.ru under the leadership of Mikhail Ilyichev. Technically, the site uses the same engine as Rutube, however, in the future, it is possible that both projects will be transferred to new technological tracks.
A small number of films, cartoons, series will be available for free viewing, but most of them will be provided only to paid subscribers, the subscription cost will be several hundred rubles per month. This makes Now.ru very different from other online movie theaters that prefer to make money on the media model, rather than charging users. The launch may take place as early as March 2011. „

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