valikhan2015-03-12 16:41:40
valikhan, 2015-03-12 16:41:40

I ask you to evaluate the first page of the landing, how do you perceive it?

First page for the training center website

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5 answer(s)
Vladimir Martyanov, 2015-03-12

It is perceived as another scam for loot.

Anna Bakurova, 2015-03-12

1) The text "In order to" is hard to read
2) In this picture, the font seems crooked to me
3) Styles are mixed up

Nikita, 2015-03-12

1) the beginning of the course is hard to see, and this is the main thing, as I understand it.
2) the block with the date is just terribly designed, what kind of pipes are these.
3) the font as a whole is terrible and hard to read.
4) the inputs for the phone input and the name are terrible, somewhere there is an icon, somewhere there is a test.
5) the button to participate is long and the text is underlined, although the text is not underlined,
the phrase breakthrough is successfully done, the home icon and the phone are at the top, they are suitable for reading on such a background.

Sardj, 2015-03-13

The date seems to be in the wrong place and the text under the date is hard to read, the color of the "participate" button somehow doesn't fit, maybe you don't need an underline if you're making a contrast.

valikhan, 2015-03-12

if not difficult, what exactly prompts such an idea? text under the date?

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