Denis2016-02-23 12:00:38
Denis, 2016-02-23 12:00:38

Hybrid application on ionic. Your experience?

I want to start developing a hybrid application, I read a lot of articles, my opinion leans towards ionic as a fast and high-quality framework itself. What is your experience? What are the "pitfalls"? And do I need an internet connection for the app to work?

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2 answer(s)
Jacob E, 2016-02-23

What is your experience?

If you need something more or less complex, then applications on HTML do not roll, it is better to look towards QML.

_ _, 2016-02-24

Ionic v. 1 has some problems with routing - it's built on ui.router there. For example, without dancing with a tambourine, you will not be able to make routing inside the modal so that the back button works correctly for you and pages are scrolled inside the modal.
Also, in order to improve performance, they made page caching, which complicates the life cycle of controllers a bit. For those who come from Angular, this may be unexpected.
In general - a normal tool. Not ah, of course, but quite working.
But if I were you, I would start looking at v2.

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