Pure_noob2015-09-23 14:34:32
Pure_noob, 2015-09-23 14:34:32

How to write one project on different computers?

How to write one project on different computers?
Just wondering how the developers of "Vkontakte" did it? Here there is an office in it 10 computers and how they wrote one project on all computers?

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2 answer(s)
Danila, 2015-09-23

There is such a great thing as:
In addition, each developer is responsible for his part, each team for his own.
Plus there is such a thing - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redmine
Well, check it out -

Roman Mirilaczvili, 2015-09-23

Term Version control system

(from English Version Control System, VCS or Revision Control System)

If to expand the answer, then each developer is responsible for some specific functionality, their activities usually do not overlap. And there are individuals (usually no more than one person, like Linus Torvalds) who merge all the functionality together (merging development branches). In this case, all changes, of course, are made via the Internet.

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