bilachayka2021-08-28 21:32:39
bilachayka, 2021-08-28 21:32:39

How to write a telegram bot (for me it's so simple, although xs I don't really rummage)?

How to write a tg bot that will send a command to my PC to run a batch file on it?
Is it simple, or is there a simpler option, and is it generally feasible, since I don’t really rummage,

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1 answer(s)
Daniil Shevkunov, 2021-08-29

Write the bot's token into the token

from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, executor, types
from os import system

token = ""

bot = Bot(token=token)
dp = Dispatcher(bot)

keyboard = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True)

async def cmd_test1(message: types.Message):
    await message.answer("Приступим", reply_markup=keyboard)

@dp.message_handler(lambda message: message.text == "start_bat") 
async def with_puree(message: types.Message):
    system("start C:/files/your_bat.bat")
    await message.answer("батник запущен")

executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)

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