Timur Keller2020-12-25 15:04:56
Game development
Timur Keller, 2020-12-25 15:04:56

How to write a simple 3D game using C++ or other languages ​​without using a game engine?

Writing games in a ready-made engine is boring, and therefore I want to write a simple 3d game using only a library (for example, opengl), because I want to use my knowledge of mathematics, physics and geometry, and plus create something anew myself.

The languages ​​I know are C , C# and Pyhton . I am currently studying OpentTk for C#, but I realized that the project is dead and there is no point in learning it. I know that for C , C# and Pyhton there is access to the OpenGl library, but there is little information on them.

Should I suffer or is it better to learn C++ for this purpose?

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3 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2020-12-25

Using openGL in all languages ​​+- is the same - because it's a LIBRARY. If the language can access the library and call its methods, then connect and call. The names of methods in the library will be the same for all languages, as well as the logic of their work.
Based on your knowledge - use a bunch of DirectX + c # - there is definitely a lot of information there.
It is possible to look at wrappers - for example SDL. This is not an engine - it's just a wrapper, so low-level is guaranteed. Suitable for languages ​​too

freeExec, 2020-12-25

Your question is akin to the desires of many here lately

Как написать и какой ассемблер выбрать для своей операционной системы?

There are plenty of sources for 3D games not on Unit/Anryl, ranging from doom to quake, there would be a desire to do something, and not ask questions on the forums.

GFX Data, 2020-12-25

It is not clear what you want to pump, skills in languages ​​or in writing games. If games - then without an engine, it's long and dreary. Only geniuses with investments allow themselves such a thing.

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