Qixing2015-03-22 11:39:18
Qixing, 2015-03-22 11:39:18

How to write a query in doctrine?

I work in Symfony2.
I have two entities

  • Category {id, name}
  • Item{id,category,name,isActive}

I generate a menu with nested item. like
Car (category.name)
- car1 (item.name)
- car2 (item.name)
Aircraft (category.name)
- aircraft1 (item.name)
- aircraft2 (item.name)
Generation in twig
{% for category in categories %}
{% for item in category.items %}
- {{ item.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
If you request to find everything, then there is no problem.
But I need to
1) Display all categories
2) Display nested item which isActive = 1
Tried like this
class CategoryRepository extends EntityRepository
    public function findAll()
        return $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
            ->innerJoin('c.items', 'i')
            ->where('i.isActive = 1')
            ->orderBy('c.position', 'ASC')


1) Not all categories are displayed, only those that have items
2) Items are displayed all the same, even isActive = 0
I would be grateful for the solution + links on the topic.

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1 answer(s)
Ivan, 2015-03-22

I would do this with two requests: the first one is pulling out the ID of all categories, the second one is pulling out all the categories with their items.
Pure SQL example:

SELECT DISTINCT(category_id)
FROM items
WHERE is_active = 1;

FROM categories c
INNER JOIN items i
ON (i.category_id = c.id)
WHERE c.id IN (categoriesIDS)
ORDER BY c.position ASC;

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