Alexandra2015-12-30 19:58:19
Alexandra, 2015-12-30 19:58:19

How to write a bulletin board with social network elements and how to choose a developer?

A new and insanely interesting project that has no analogues on the Russian market.
Here is a short list of features for the first release:
Bulletin board with social media elements.
Comments on ads and responses to them.
Evaluation and reviews about sellers / buyers that determine its rating.
Personal correspondence in chat online.
Notification system internal and by mail (for example, about price reduction)
Reservation and cancellation system. Including for several buyers, if the product is more than one unit.
Flexible system of privacy settings, alerts.
At this stage, we have thought out all the functionality of the first release and drawn a design for the desktop.
Needed: design for mobile devices, layout, functional programming.
There are also thoughts on the structure of the database (partially fixed), but they will be discussed directly with the specialist, since I have suspicions that my experience may not be enough for competent design. ;)
Question: PHP? RUBY? PYTHON?
HOW TO CHOOSE A DEVELOPMENT TOOL and HOW TO FIND A SPECIALIST so that you don't feel excruciating pain for your project?
From experience (I am an OeBS analyst) I know that there are very few good developers (as well as any other specialists) ... Only a few!
Where and how to find? I accept any advice!
Should there be experience writing a message board? Or social media? Or enough experience in the development of any HL?
Yes, I’ll make a reservation right away, there is no investor. Therefore, we cannot pay a lot of money and give the project to a team of 10 people.
Thank you! And with the coming! Let dreams come true!

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16 answer(s)
riot26, 2015-12-30

Question: PHP? RUBY? PYTHON?

In general, it doesn’t matter what, even in Java.
if IDE is meant, then it’s not for you to choose, but for the programmer, if the language is answered above
Freelance exchanges
Units are too much, but, in general, yes. On freelance exchanges, you can look at the experience of a developer.
Not one will have to give everything, that's for sure. At least one frontend, second backend, third designer. People who do everything at once are usually bad at everything at once.

Sly_tom_cat ., 2015-12-31

And it seems to me alone that all the described functionality will be pulled by any CMS (even an open-source one like joomla)?
... and there is no need to reinvent the next wheel with a hyperdrive and artificial intelligence ...

Stanislav, 2015-12-31

It doesn't matter what you write on. You won't find anyone freelancing. Better go to social networks, first determine the technology stack. For example php+laravel or ROR etc. In general, go to the Russian off communities of the desired frame / stack and look there. If you do not find it, write, I will throw off a couple of contacts. Email in profile. With coming!

Viktor, 2015-01-01

The language I recommend is PHP because
In tandem with php, I can suggest using a comet server to implement realtime interactions. Here is my article with a list of existing comet servers
For personal correspondence in an online chat, I can suggest using my chat project
As for experience, I think that if you come across a person who has already done at least part of what you need, then maybe he will do the job a little faster and better as he will be able to use his old achievements and experience.
And what is your understanding of HL is how many people per day / online in any case, especially due to the lack of an investor, traffic will grow smoothly and not immediately millions at the start, which means you will have time to refine and optimize even after the start of the advertising campaign.

D', 2015-12-30

If there is no money for the team, then you will run into the cost of development.
You will either run out of money earlier, or the developer will disappear, and you will have to look for a new one.
Or they will create such things there that later no one will be able to figure it out, and you will have to throw it all away.
You should not give a serious project to a loner, otherwise you will end up without money and without a project.

Dmitry Bay, 2015-12-30

Seems like a utopian idea to me. Read in principle the complexity of the bulletin board.
The person decided to sell the iron, he sold it, and it makes no sense for him to return to the site. who will hang out on your site? sold- shops?
PS I thought something here. So this is what you ebay wanted to do)

Homsa Toft, 2015-12-30

Comments on ads and responses to them.
Evaluation and reviews about sellers / buyers that determine its rating.
oh .. here you can’t do without moderation, )
add elements of the auction / bargaining it will be interesting
and so good luck.

Dmitry Evgrafovich, 2015-01-02

Before spending money, I would advise you to look at the budgets that Avito had and ... how is it ... they had some kind of competitor a couple of years ago, whom they bought with giblets. The fact is that if you do not have money for a team of programmers, your project will die. Not from the fact that a loner will do everything at random and nothing will work (there are good specialists among them, no matter who says what here), just in order for your board to live and develop, you will need money for its maintenance and advertising much more than the development of a strong team.

Evgeniy Trebin, 2016-01-05

I advise you to hire full-time developers (not 10, but at least 2 backend / frontend), in my opinion this is the only right solution for a serious project. Here is a freelance design.
I would not look at the highload experience, because developers with such experience are more expensive, and it’s not a fact that your project will ever have this very highload, and when it does, then you will solve problems as they arise.
For development, I recommend Ruby on Rails. And be sure to write automated tests)

Alex Ershov, 2016-01-07

A new and insanely interesting project that has no analogues on the Russian market.
Here is a short list of features for the first release
Yes, I'll make a reservation right away, there is no investor. Therefore, we cannot pay a lot of money and give the project to a team of 10 people.
Well, everything is clear. As an expert, I recommend that you do all the freelancer-joomlovod and let him look for modules and components for your needs. You still don't have the money for a serious project. Good specialists will not work for pennies or imaginary shares of a non-existent project. And don’t even remember about ruby ​​and python, they are much more expensive than php

Elizaveta Borisova, 2015-12-31


The tool is attached to a specialist. Here you need to decide which choice is the first (look for a specialist and evaluate his stack option or choose a stack and look for specialists for him).
Java or Python is an adequate choice, given the labor market. Ruby may be less comfortable with HL themes. There are a lot of inadequacies in PHP (if you are still going to freelance).
Do not use freelance exchanges (my opinion, I do not impose on anyone), post ordinary vacancies, you can contact recruiters. If you are looking for a freelancer, then for projects with a backlog, it is better to look for someone who "went on vacation after the office", with experience in large projects (i.e. look for large IT companies in the past, preferably non-outsourcing ones), but Of course, here the question of the budget is important, and also your professionalism.
we have less than 10 people, you can send for evaluation (email in profile), but most likely we are busy in the coming months.

Schuller, 2015-12-31

Excuse me, but what makes you think that you need a bulletin board? Have you thought about monetization, promotion? What payback period do you expect? If you do not answer these questions for yourself, then you can simply waste your time and money.
Think again, define the main goal, and act according to this goal. If your main goal is to create a project that will generate income, then this does not have to be a message board. Now nobody needs another bulletin board.

Alexandra, 2015-01-01

Victor, thanks for the clear answer and useful links!

Roman, 2015-01-03

If money is tight, then I see only one way - to take the developer (s) in a share. that is, draw up an agreement under which a certain percentage of the profit belongs to the developer. In this case, there is a chance to get not just a developer, but a person interested in this business. Of course, if things don't work out, then "bribes are smooth" from you. But I think that finding a person who is willing to risk his time for an unknown prospect will be very difficult.

Semyon Semyonov, 2016-01-08

When would you like to launch and what is the budget?

Mendeleev, 2017-04-23

Please share your experience, which way did you go and how did you build / build your relationship with the developers?

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