strelkovandreyv2019-10-09 14:01:26
strelkovandreyv, 2019-10-09 14:01:26

How to work with Sphinx via SQL?

Good afternoon, a complete amateur in Sphinx and just started to study it
. In my implementation, Sphinx will have to cling to the database (Oracle) and first do a full import of data from the table you need, and then delta import changes on a schedule
. My question is more how to handle to Sphinx using SQL. And then I got confused, namely, there is the concept of SphinxSE and SphinxQL.
I understand that, let's say I was able to connect to the database that I want to index, it turns out that I created a kernel / collection / index for it, or as it is called in Sphinx. And about indexed
Now it turns out I want to start SELECT-ing the created index from MySQL / MariaDB.
And how is
SphinxSE implied here, as I understand it, the database engine (like InnoDB, MyISAM, Memory, etc.)
those. I first create a table with such an engine in the database, and somewhere in the settings I seem to specify such parameters as the Sphinx host address, login, password and index name.
Thus, I created a table associated with a certain index, and now it seems like I have a feeling in my head that I created a table, and I can already select it, but now there is also the concept of SphinxQL (as I understand the query language)
and what kind of animal is this and why is he?
How it is installed and how it is used, and why is it needed, because there is already some kind of table that can be accessed as a table through SQL
. What is the essence of SphinxQL?

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1 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2019-10-10

sphinx supports mysql protocol out of the box

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