Islam Ibakaev2019-03-22 13:53:06
Islam Ibakaev, 2019-03-22 13:53:06

How to use custom font when generating pdf with jspdf?

Previously used this helper library .
After updating the dependencies in the project, I now have scribbles instead of Cyrillic.
I went into a turnip, the author declared the library obsolete , says that jspdf version >= 1.5 itself now solves this problem.
Only I did not understand how jspdf does this now? Tell me how to connect your font now, for example, ProximaNova .
Can you show a code example of how jspdf does this now? Thanks for the help!

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1 answer(s)
tyzberd, 2019-03-22

This edit is already here at
and the last answer might work too

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