Maxim2021-09-17 14:48:54
Maxim, 2021-09-17 14:48:54

How to use custom emoji in buttons in discord-components discord.py?

I want to insert an emoji from my server into a button, but I end up with an error. Help me please.

@bot.command(aliases = ['userinfo', 'ui'])
async def _userinfo( ctx, member: discord.Member = None ):
    if member is None:
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'ru_RU')
        date_format = "%d %B %Y, %A"
        embed = discord.Embed(title=f'Информация об - {ctx.author}', colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(0, 191, 255))
        embed.add_field(name='Ник:', value=f'{ctx.author.nick}', inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name='ID:', value=f'{ctx.author.id}', inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name='Аккаунт создан:', value=f'{ctx.author.created_at.strftime(date_format)}', inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name='Присоединился:', value=f'{ctx.author.joined_at.strftime(date_format)}', inline=False)
        embed2 = discord.Embed(title=f'Информация об - {ctx.author}', colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(0, 191, 255))
        embed2.add_field(name='Статус:', value=f"{ctx.author.status}", inline=False)
        embed2.add_field(name='Репутация:', value=f'+{cursor.execute("SELECT rep FROM users WHERE id = {}".format(ctx.author.id)).fetchone()[0]}', inline=False)
        embed2.add_field(name='Роли:', value=f"{ctx.author.roles}", inline=False)
        embed2.add_field(name='Права:', value=f"{ctx.author}", inline=False)

        msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed,
                Button(style=ButtonStyle.green, label=f"{left}", disabled=True),
                Button(style=ButtonStyle.green, label=f"{right}"),
                Button(style=ButtonStyle.red, label=f"{trash}")

        response = await bot.wait_for("button_click")
        if response.channel == ctx.channel:
            if response.component.label == f"{right}":
                await msg.edit(embed=embed2)
                await response.respond(content="f")

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2 answer(s)
TanderOFF, 2021-09-18

I hope that friend

em1 = self.client.get_emoji(847880511841370132)
em2 = self.client.get_emoji(880885225935241278)
one = Button(style = ButtonStyle.blue, label = ' Главная  ', id='1', disabled = True, emoji=em1)
two = Button(style = ButtonStyle.blue, label = 'Инвентарь ', id='2' , emoji=em2)

Vindicar, 2021-09-17

Where are the left, right, trash variables described?
Well, yes, do setlocale() once at the beginning of the program, not ten times in the middle.

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