Galdar Turin2019-11-15 09:10:21
Galdar Turin, 2019-11-15 09:10:21

How to use a regular expression to select a folder with any name?

I want to specify any directory name in the exception, but for some reason it does not work (.+), swears that there is no fixed length
+ A quantifier inside a lookbehind makes it non-fixed width

^/c/.+\.(min\.js|js|php|cgi|pl|phtml)(?<!index\.php|d\.php|t\.js|app/project/_resource/s/|app/project/ вот_тут_любое_имя_каталога  /js/с\.min\.js)

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1 answer(s)
dodo512, 2019-11-19

In the /c/ directory, deny access to all files except:
/c/app/project/[^ /]+/js/c\.min\.js

location ~ ^/c/(?!index\.php|d\.php|t\.js|app/project/_resource/s/|app/project/[^/]+/js/c\.min\.js) {
    return 403;

location ^~ /c/ {
    return 403;

    location ~ ^/c/(index|d)\.php {
        fastcgi_pass ...;
        include fastcgi_params;

    location = /c/t.js { }

    location /c/app/project/_resource/s/ { }

    location ~ ^/c/app/project/[^/]+/js/c\.min\.js { }

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