falwxey2018-08-16 20:56:26
falwxey, 2018-08-16 20:56:26

How to unload goods from vp to Yandex real estate format?

Is there a plugin solution? What do you need to do for this, as I understand it, regular export will not help here?
I have never encountered anything like this, do not judge strictly, you need to somehow delve into it, figure it out.

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1 answer(s)
Alex-1917, 2018-08-16

I did the unloading in the car, and also just in the market. I do not think that I-property is fundamentally different.
What do you have first? Woocommerce galimy go? ... This should be written right away in the body of the question, and not to be dragged out of you with ticks ...
In fact, as they say on the exchanges, a specialist needs half a day's work. Of these, spend half a day studying the I-real estate format ....)))
Do you even hear what you write yourself? Unloading commercial garbage and so that it is ready, and even preferably a free plugin?))))

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