TUfeed222019-05-08 20:45:50
TUfeed22, 2019-05-08 20:45:50

How to understand that programming is for you?

Всем привет. Такой вопрос. Пытаюсь на учиться программировать самостоятельно. Но постоянно прыгаю то с одного языка то на другой. Есть желание знать все. То javascript, то python, то c#. Аж бесит, не могу определиться какой именно хочу учить и для чего. Когда я решаю какую-то задачу успешно, то чувствую себя охренительно, думаю что все круто и я могу все на свете, а когда что-то не получается то говорю себе что это не мое и на некоторое время бросаю это дело. А потом в голову приходят мысли что я рано сдался, что нужно больше учить., появляется мотивация и желание, чувство что все получится, но до тех пор пока снова что-то не получится. Не знаю, забить окончательно или продолжать, и как определиться с языком. Часто считаю себя не достаточно умным для этого. Блин, капец какой-то.

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8 answer(s)
Лентюй, 2019-05-08

легко. 35 лет программировать по 40 часов в неделю. если справитесь - ваше несомненно. 4 недели в год можете отдыхать.

Moskus, 2019-05-08

The question, strictly speaking, has nothing to do with programming.
For this problem to disappear, you need to mature psychologically. Because you have, according to your description, a completely childish set of reactions that will manifest itself in any field of activity:
- the desire for immediate gratification (reward for any action taken);
- Trouble concentrating on one task for a long time
- excessive emotionality and irritability.
Any work is not entertainment, it is 90% boring and often unpleasant routine. Therefore, you need to learn how to find satisfaction in these 10%. You also need to understand that everything around you does not exist for your entertainment. And vice versa, if you don’t like something, it’s boring, it’s hard - this is not “the world is against you”, this is a natural situation that everyone should be able to cope with so that, in the end, they don’t live in constant stress and die at 40 from a heart attack.

Ivan Shumov, 2019-05-08

I'll tell you one secret now .... Nobody cares. It's only your business

Vladimir Proskurin, 2019-05-08

Well, aim not to learn a programming language, but to be able to solve certain problems. For example, make mobile applications, so you will narrow down the list of what you need to learn.
You probably only like learning to code in the early part of the barrier to entry graph, when it is very low, and as soon as the first difficulties occur, you lose interest. In this case, I would not go in cycles in programming, there are a lot of other interesting professions in the world.

SerJook, 2019-05-08

If your eyes burn at the sight of code, if you are ready to sit in the debugger at night, then this is yours!
If you are ready to forget about everything in the world, just to solve an interesting problem, then this is for you!
The best programmers are fanatics of their business. A real programmer should live by programming!
I have always had this desire. I never settled on one thing. Because being a narrow specialist is boring.
I have always cared about business goals. I have different interests with him. They are only interested in money, and I am only interested in coding. I pretend to do what they ask, and they pretend to pay me money.
And if someone is interested in high salaries, then it is better to go to lawyers.

Andrey Malinovsky, 2019-05-08

The answer is simple, no way. From the development technologies available, there is everything from complex algorithms and mathematical problems to simple imagination. In this case, the entire spectrum can be used in a fairly simple (at first glance) project.
As for languages, it is desirable to know everything. But you can start with any language, at the moment in the "trends" of JavaScript, both the server side and the client side. What is easier is given, then study. The customer can be found in any language. The main thing is to study your first language very carefully, because understanding the basics of any language will give you ~ 70% of the knowledge of any other language that you want to learn later.

Evgeny Zaletsky, 2019-05-08

If you like to solve difficult problems and you are diligent, then maybe this is yours, but there is a possibility that after a while, you will simply burn out.

Sergey, 2019-05-11

You take the (wild) legacy code. And add functionality to it.
It's yours if:
You want your changes to this code to be understandable to other people.
You are interested in how you can improve the existing code.
The final result for the customer is important to you. (i.e. the functionality must be developed)
It is important for you that your code can be easily changed, modified, etc.
And from the above, you get pleasure (from the results)
It's not for you:
If you can not cope with the desire to fill the face of the creator of the code with which you work.
If you can't cope with the fact that you divide the code into your own and someone else's. Bugs of their own and the project.
If you cannot interest yourself to work with boring functionality.
In Perfect Code, there is a page that says that being smart is more of a detriment to a programmer than a help. The programmer struggles with complexity. This is its main purpose. It is better to be dumb (or consider yourself dumb), but with code that everyone can easily understand, than smart who writes short but not clear.

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