Wet_Dumplings2021-01-13 12:51:29
Wet_Dumplings, 2021-01-13 12:51:29

How to translate the name of the city into coordinates on the repl.it service without any keyapi?


How, if possible, to translate the contents of the file in the spirit:


Here is something like this:
Москва, широта_М, долгота_М
Киев, широта_К, долгота_К

On the https://repl.it/ service , when you try to use such a code, an error occurs that requires you to get a Google api key, is it possible to somehow avoid this because it's too complicated ... is there any command for geocoding without such complications available on this service (repl.it) ?
Query: https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?addr...
import csv
import pygeocoder
import pandas as pd

from pygeocoder import Geocoder

df = pd.read_csv('./input.csv')
address = df
for a in address:
    result = Geocoder.geocode(a)

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